Support Us

THE mission we’ve set ourselves is simple: to provide fact-focused journalism spotlighting climate-positive activity in the North East.

By ‘climate-positive activity’ we mean anything that individuals, entire communities, charities or companies are doing to help protect the climate.

This could be creating new technologies, finding new ways to do things, campaigning and raising awareness, or supporting people to take individual action.

Our overall hope is to raise the profile of – and celebrate – the climate protection movement across our region, in all its many forms.

Of course we have an agenda – who doesn’t, faced with potential climate catastrophe? – but we believe in empowering people through factual knowledge.

‘Knowledge is power’, as they say.

This is a major task, and we are an un-funded voluntary project, by just a couple of motivated (if highly experienced) journalists (see Our People) … so we would appreciate any help you can offer.

Maybe you could:

  • share our stories and social media posts
  • just tell your family and friends about us
  • support us by advertising with us (we have a range of options outlined in our Media Pack)

If you are an organisation which would like to help us find other funding sources, then please do get in touch.

Whatever you do to support us, you have our deepest gratitude. Thank you!