Journalism. Not Propaganda.

Our mission is simple

To cover the North East’s response to climate change.

Whether it’s a single person or a multi-national company taking environmental action, we’re interested.

Our aim is simple

To help people see what’s happening, talk about it, be proud of it – and be inspired.

We want to help make the climate change ‘conversation’ across the North East more informed, pro-active and engaging for people.

Our aim is simply to encourage you to think more about the topic by shining a journalistic spotlight on it.

There’s a whole range of views, politics and agendas involved, but we don’t believe the media’s job is to tell you what to think: we will simply report on the various stories so you can be better informed and make up your own mind.

Climate Post is a website driven by just two highly experienced, award-winning journalists who live in the region, providing a focused news and information service on the most important issue of our time. We are unpaid, but believe this is important work – so we’re doing it alongside our ‘day jobs’.