Minister praises Teesside’s hydrogen leadership

Transport secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP visited Teesside as it was revealed the region will benefit from a £20m fund, thanks to its status as the UK’s Hydrogen Transport Hub.

Tees Valley mayor Ben Houchen welcomed the transport secretary, alongside a hydrogen ambulance, tug, bus and cars which are all involved in hydrogen transport trials.

Afterwards, she visited Darlington firm Cummins, a leading developer of a hydrogen-fuelled internal combustion engine.

Local companies are being encouraged to bid for funding for schemes involving hydrogen and how best to utilise it in a greener, cleaner and more efficient transport sector.

Hydrogen produces no carbon emissions when used as a fuel and is seen as the potential fuel of the future.

As part of the competition, run by Innovate UK, businesses and research groups will work together to look at ways that hydrogen might be developed as a reliable fuel source.

From lowering carbon emissions on grocery deliveries to making the air in cities cleaner the £20m fund will look to unlock hydrogen’s potential, particularly when it comes to powering large-scale vehicles like coaches, trucks and HGVs.

As part of the minister’s visit, it was also announced that as well as the £20m fund, an extra £300,000 would be made available to support upskilling the local workforce and fostering a specialised skills base and pipeline of talent, to cement the Tees Valley’s reputation as the home of hydrogen.

The investment will help grow the UK economy, with a transport system that is resilient to global energy prices, environmentally friendly and could see the creation of hundreds of skilled jobs.

Mayor Houchen said: “With ever-increasing global energy prices, a looming Net Zero deadline but a real chance to grab the emerging opportunity with both hands, now more than ever we must be looking to the cleaner, safer and healthier industries of the future, such as hydrogen.

“The first phase of our Hydrogen Transport Hub pilot, at sites including Teesside Airport, has already proved a great success, showing how these vehicles can be used safely, effectively and cleanly in a whole range of ways.

“Now, thanks to this competition, our brilliant innovative businesses can go further to unlock the potential of hydrogen to transform our transport system and undertake vital research that – alongside plans by bp, Kellas Midstream, Northern Gas Networks and others – will cement our area as a hydrogen powerhouse.”

Ms Trevelyan said: “Climate change is one of the biggest challenges this generation faces, and with transport contributing 24 per cent to the UK’s C02 levels, we are working hard to change things now and for the future.

“Tees Valley continues to be the beacon for hydrogen technologies and will be further supported by £20m going to the best and the brightest ideas that will create a world-leading industry, with more skilled jobs in the heart of the north of England.”

Innovate UK CEO Indro Mukerjee said: “Hydrogen innovation will play a key part in the UK’s Net Zero ambitions, and Innovate UK is ready to work with the most innovative businesses in this field.

“We are pleased to partner with the Department for Transport and Tees Valley to help deliver a cleaner, greener, future economy for the region and the UK.”

Transport Secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan and Mayor Ben Houchen celebrate Teesside’s hydrogen industry links

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