Climate crisis takes centre stage in Stockton-on-Tees
Alex Hewit stars in the Wicked Game

It’s a fair COP! Stockton public invited to act as the jury in climate trial drama

THE audience at a Stockton-on-Tees show next week will become part of the drama when they’re handed the unusual role of jurors in an imagined climate crisis trial of the future.

In a ground-breaking drama at Stockton ARC Art Centre next Wednesday, November 16th, the public will be able to interact with the performers in a fun way in The Wicked Problem, as they’re asked to think seriously about the big questions facing humanity today.

Perfectly timed as COP27 dominates the headlines this month, The Wicked Problem is set in the year 2061 when the world as we know it has changed and the first-ever trial to decide the fate of an individual who has broken a climate law is being held.

It is the public in the ARC theatre who are the jury.

Ground-breaking play The Wicked Problem asks the audience to deliver the verdict – ‘guilty or not guilty?’

Born out of a desire to bring together arts and science, the production explores themes around climate change and sustainability, offering audiences a uniquely interactive experience as they consider the future for our children and grandchildren.

The show, from Ergon Theatre, one of the UK’s leading climate theatre companies, has been described as “A chilling reality of what could happen if we don’t make a change – thought-provoking, urgent and quirky.”

Ergon Theatre’s goal is to make climate science accessible in educational, entertaining and empowering ways, with the company believing the arts have a unique role to play in the climate movement, connecting the science community and the public.

On the night, after hearing from a series of witnesses in the case, the audience will get the chance to chat for five minutes or so before raising their hands to decide ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty – with the ‘verdict’ deciding how the rest of the show pans out. 

The interactive performance aims to highlight the more overlooked discussions of climate breakdown and invites audience members to think critically about its effects on everyday people.

Louise Wilkins, deputy marketing manager at Stockton ARC, said: “We’re really looking forward to hosting such an interesting and timely show.

“It should be great fun that it’s interactive and thought-provoking and it’s a different way of looking at arguably the biggest issue of our lifetimes.”

More info and tickets for the show, on at 7 pm on Wednesday, November 16th, can be found here: or by ringing the box office on 01642 525 199. 

The Wicked Problem is priced on a ‘Pay What You Decide’ basis. 

If you haven’t been to one of these performances before, this means that tickets are available to book in advance as usual (at no cost), but there is no obligation for you to pay until after you have seen the show. 

You can then decide on a price which you think is suitable based on your experience, which means if you haven’t enjoyed it at all, you don’t have to pay anything. 

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