Here you’ll find videos which explain some of the fundamental issues, concepts and ideas around climate change – along with links to articles you might like to read.
NB: Many of the resources here are non-UK, but still address the ‘big picture’ issues. Some may contain individual statistical ‘discrepancies’, for which Climate Post takes no responsibility.
Global Warming & Greenhouse Gases: the basics
Further information:
- Greenhouse Gases 101 (Natural Resources Defense Council)
- Greenhouse Gases explained (MIT)
- List of Greenhouse Gases from the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (Wikipedia)
Climate Crisis: why WE are both the cause and the solution
Further information:
What are fossil fuels and why do they release the Carbon Dioxide greenhouse gas?
Further information:
Why is Carbon Dioxide (CO2) such a huge factor in climate change?
Is Climate Change a hoax?
Why heatwaves and humidity can kill us
Further information:
‘Why you need to worry about the wet-bulb temperature (The Guardian)
How WE as individuals can help protect the planet (United Nations campaign)
Why young people and indigenous communities are vital
Further information:
- Get involved in the United Nations ‘Act Now’ campaign (United Nations)
- The six promises we can all make to help cut carbon emissions (The Guardian)